Watch / Ephesians


What is the book of Ephesians about in the Bible? Watch as we explain its major themes and gain a deeper understanding of its place in the biblical story.

Book Overviews Nov 10, 2016
Exploring the Book of Ephesians? Don't Stop Here.
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Paul calls Jesus followers to form ethnically diverse communities that are unified by devotion to Jesus and to each other.

Paul writes to the church at Ephesus and shows how Jesus’ work on the cross should permeate every aspect of their everyday lives, changing how they serve and love one another despite their differences. God’s vision for the new humanity is that they would be unified through the Spirit and their belief in the Messiah, overcoming barriers of ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and cultural identity.

Put on Your New Humanity

Paul calls the church at Ephesus to become new humans that live and love like Jesus, promising that the Spirit will equip them to stand strong against divisive forces and spiritual evil.

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